Guest Blogging

Would you like to blog for Eleventh Willow?

Guest Blogger Guidelines

  1. Guest bloggers do not get paid but we are happy to provide a link to your blog or other website.

  2. Please send a high-resolution photo of yourself and a short bio with your first article.

  3. This website is for Christians parenting the mentally ill, so please keep your post in the context of mental illness and address the issues you raise in your blog post from a Biblical worldview.

  4. Word count should be about 500 to 750 words.

  5. Please include any links you would like attached to your blog post.

  6. Some possible topics include:

    Encouragement for, comfort for, or solidarity with people parenting the mentally ill

    Practical tips for parenting the mentally ill or for treating mental illness

    Helping people understand mental illness

    Helping people understand how mental illness affects family members, relationships, and life in general

  7. Please send submissions to


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