No study of medieval literature would be complete without delving into Dante’s Divine Comedy. Amazingly, a great young people’s edition of the Divine Comedy is available. Joseph Tusiani’s sublimely accessible book, Dante’s Divine Comedy as Told for Young People, takes readers into Dante’s horrific vision of Hell, up Mount Purgatory, and through the celestial spheres to Paradise.

Let SneakerBlossom Study Guides take you on the journey to understanding and enjoyment. For every chapter a relevant work of art is presented, along with discussion questions. An optional Art Guide includes color renditions of all of the art in the Study Guides plus several extras. Recommended for 9th grade and up.

Click on a version for a link to purchase

Add the Beautiful to your study of Dante’s Divine Comedy as Told for Young People with the SneakerBlossom Art Guide!

The SneakerBlossom Art Guide for Dante's Divine Comedy and for Dante's Divine Comedy as Told for Young People by Joseph Tusiani presents classical art illustrating the scenes from Dante's vivid and epic telling of Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise.

This SneakerBlossom Art Guide can be used with the SneakerBlossom Study Guides for Dante's Divine Comedy as Told for Young People or with any version of Dante's Divine Comedy. This guide includes discussion questions for each work of art presented.