Mental Illness and Marital Mayhem
Eleventh Willow blogger Georgia Mathison explains how she and her husband strive to resolve marital conflicts centered on their parenting ideals.
Mary Magdalene in “The Chosen”
Eleventh Willow blogger Lisa Pelissier explains why she believes the portrayal of Mary Magdalene in The Chosen is problematic.
Swimming in a Sea of Mental Illness: Some Advantages
Eleventh Willow blogger Lisa Pelissier explores the hidden advantages of a family history of mental illness.
Navigating Emotions
Eleventh Willow blogger Georgia Mathison explains the practical actions her family has taken in navigating the ups and downs of emotions when dealing with mental health issues.
To Label or Not To Label Kids with Special Needs
Should you define your child by a diagnosis? Are labels good or bad? Eleventh Willow blogger Lisa Pelissier provides pros and cons of labels.
Plan G: Grieving with God
Eleventh Willow blogger Amber Healy describes the grief that all families go through when their dreams for their children are derailed due to mental illness.
To Push or Not to Push
When should you push your mentally ill child? Eleventh Willow blogger Lisa Pelissier tackles this question in parenting a child with mental illness.
Eleventh Willow blogger Georgia Mathison describes her experiences with Christians’ lack of understanding about her son’s mental illness.
Selective Mutism: 4 Ways to Come Alongside Your Child
Eleventh Willow blogger Lisa Pelissier offers tips on dealing with selective mutism.
Debunking Myths about Mental Illness, Part 2
In part 2 of this 2-part series, Eleventh Willow blogger Lisa Pelissier debunks more myths about mental illness.
Debunking Myths about Mental Illness, Part 1
Eleventh Willow blogger Lisa Pelissier explains the myths people believe about mental illness in part 1 of this 2-part article.
Learning to Comfort
Eleventh Willow blogger Amber Healy explains the internal battle between her desire to offer comfort and her desire to problem-solve for her kids.
The Isolation of Families with Mental Health Issues
The isolation of families dealing with mental illness is not a given. Why does it happen, and how can you help?
Spotting Signs Early that Something Isn’t Right
Eleventh Willow blogger Georgia Mathison recounts the early signs she saw of her son’s mental illness.
Guest Blogging
Are you a Christian and a parent of a person with mental illness? Would you like to guest blog for Eleventh Willow? This page explains how.
What is Eleventh Willow? Find out more about this Christian parening blog here.